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Salvia Black Salvia Black Salvia Black Salvia Black Salvia Black

5CL Potpourri Specifications

Salvia Black 3gr Aromatic Potpourri 5CL can surprise you from the strength of its perfume. With score 9.5 we rank it among our top production product isn't just ultra strong but really reliable.

Made with the best herbs that give a unique experience. We guarantee the quality and the strenght of the content.

Ingredients: Herbal incense aromatic potpourri, 5CL Salvia Black Potpourri : Damiana, Bonzai, Blue lotus, Salvia extract, Pico bello extract, Kanna, Calamus extract, as well as perfume enhancing chemicals.

How to use: insert the mixture into warm water.

It is forbidden to come into contact with flame and in contact with the skin as it contains dangerous chemicals. Keep away from children.

Sale to persons under 18 is prohibited.

Manufactured and packaged in the Netherlands by Salvia Black.

You only buy genuine products that have the genuine seal with QR code in the back of the package.